Wednesday, December 10, 2008


All of my children have great qualities. Andy is so smart, funny, and a great big brother. Natali is so sweet, loving, and a people pleaser. Giovanni is so unintentionally funny, sweet, and loves loves loves his brother and sister (most of the time). Along with good qualities each of them have their "need to work on" qualities. Andy has an attitude lately that will send me to my grave if it doesn't change. Natali is super ditzy at times. Giovanni... well, I think pictures say it better than anything.

Andy doing the dishes, he's such a good helper!

We bought these little vacuums the day after Thanksgiving for $9. Our kids LOVE them and usually fight over who gets to use them! Good thing we bought 2!!

Giovanni is eating a Popsicle... is that a chore?!

Natali is such a good helper, she even empties the vacuum bag!

Andy scrubbing away!

Giovanni is done with his Popsicle and what's he doing? Ya, running in the hall! Can we say LAZY?!?! lol


Pure Images said...

That is so cute! He is getting so big!

Raadgep Fam said...

that is so funny! OMG well you have to one in the bunch that evens it all out. YOu cant perfection all the time in all of your kids! lol

Brittany said...

He think he thinks he is the privileged one or something! Who does he think he is getting away with no chores! Silly youngest child! He isn't spoiled, right?!