Wednesday, October 24, 2007


So the meeting yesterday went great. I was very pleased with the results. Basically what happened was we went into meet with the OT, PT, and Speech Therapist who were evaluating Vanni. The normal range of scoring was between 85-115 with 85 being normal and 115 being super brilliant. Vanni scored 95's in most areas! While they were talking they kept saying what a smart boy he was and that he was brilliant, the only problem was his speech (my main concern also). Even his speech wasn't that bad though, but a concern enough to qualify him for speech preschool!! There were two different classes, one at 8 and one at 9:45. The one at 8 were for the more delayed children and the 9:45 were the more advanced...they recommended Vanni go to the 9:45 class!! WooHoo! So I'm not the only one who thinks my son is a smarty pants! lol.
So he will be going to school from 9:45 to 11:15 Mon-Thur starting on Monday! The class he goes in main focus is speech, while they still do it in a preschool setting. They will be doing calendar, songs, etc but the teacher is a speech therapist and the class is capped at 10 kids. Awesome.
I am so grateful for the opportunity Vanni has to be in this program and learn to communicate better. I know that Heavenly Father is a huge part in this and I realize just how blessed we are. When we were having the meeting they kept saying that they anticipate Vanni will meet all his goals on his IEP (individual education plan) by the end of the school year and recommend we start looking for preschools for next year that are more advanced! I know every mom thinks their kid is the smartest, cutest thing ever but I had real concerns that because of Vanni's past it would affect him academically, clearly I'm doing something right to hear that all is well!


Pure Images said...

Yay! I am so happy to hear that! That a little smarty pants!

Brittany said...

No doubt about it, Vanni is a smart kid. I am glad he will be getting the help he needs! Prayers were answered, for sure!!