I was looking through some of my pictures on my computer tonight and I realized what funny kids I have. They have such unique personalities, yet sometimes I swear they are the same person. My sister Amy and I went to the zoo in November and those were the pictures I was looking through tonight. Some of them were just too funny. As tired and frustrated as I get I could never imagine my life without them.
Though I will admit that going out for a "mommy night" with Amy Kelly the other night was much needed and felt just a little too short! ;) When I was leaving Natali asked me where I was going, I told her for a mommy night... Vanni started jumping up and down yelling "no mommy night, no mommy night. You here." lol. I did enjoy not having to break up fights or remind kids to eat during dinner and a movie that wasn't rated G was so nice! ;)
Awsome! Its very important to have those nights! Your kids are flippen hillerous!
on the 10th of this month i stumbled on the other blog that you did with your husband, and i am so excited for you guy for what you are doing! BUT it hasn't been up dated the last two weeks! I keep checking and Nothing!!! I want to know how you are doing so i can be one of your cheerleaders!
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