Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I have issues....

I knew the moment we set up our Wii I was in trouble... I just didn't know how much trouble. I guess I'm a little competitive (competition is not a bad thing)and sometimes I may carry it to the extreme (I've played well past midnight so I could beat Bryant's score on a game). I even find myself telling the kids they can go to the park so I can play and not have to share with them. Can you believe that? What kind of mother does that?!
So, to feed my illness today I bought Guitar Hero for our Wii. I can't tell you how bad I wanted to call my friend to see if she would drop off my kids from school so I could run home and play it... Are we seeing my issues?!

1 comment:

Brittany said...

That's funny. Jeremy is seriously having withdrawls from his parents house where they got guitar hero for christmas. He has to go "stop by" Best Buy or Fry's just to play a freakin song to get his fix. It's almost sick. lol