Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Last night was so amazing. Bry did an awesome job at surprising me with the entire night! First we dropped dinner off to my friend who just had her second set of twins and got to hold her adorable boys! Man, that totally didn't help the baby cravings for sure! :)

After we went and grabbed dinner at My Big Fat Greek Restaurant. This is where having lap band is AWESOME! We shared a plate and came home with like 2 more meals of left overs! At dinner it was so nice having a conversation with Bry about what ever I wanted with out getting interrupted.

After dinner Bry headed on the 60 going East until it ended. He got off the road and starting driving toward the mountain. He finally stopped and pulled over to tell me we were going to watch a movie under the stars! How romantic is that? First we decided to go get drinks then we went back and watched a movie and nuggled under the stars.

I am so amazed by my sweet hubby. I was so proud of him putting all that effort in to make sure we had a romantic night. Thank you so much love for being amazing! I love you!!


Brittany said...

That is SO sweet! Props to Bry cause Jer would NEVER come up with something like that. I would drop over dead if he did! Happy ANni friend!!!

The McNeil Family said...

How Sweet..My husband would never think of anything like that..

Sarah S. said...

Oh boy, Aaron needs to step up his game! That is the sweetest thing ever. Marriage definetly takes work and doing little things like this keep it alive. Props to Bryan for realizing that and being so creative on his own.

Raadgep Fam said...

AHHHHHHH Nuggled... Is that what we call it these days? And I agree you have an awesome hubby!

And the pill is to stop the light bleeding that I gat all the time and to start a period so that they can check my hormone levels.

Love ya

Raadgep Fam said...

Its not very exspensive we have a USPS here. Its like 3 to 10 bucks for something small ! And we will see if I get 7 if not you are so on the list!

Claudia said...

Happy Anniversary! How sweet! :)

Crissie said...

Hi Autumn. I'm glad you found my blog! Thanks for letting me know yours. I'm going to add you to my list right now. :) Happy (late) Anniversary!! We are so blessed to have you and your sweet family in our ward.